STOP Losing Your Tennis Matches!
Duration – 11:44

Stop Standing HERE In Tennis! (why you’re losing)
Duration - 11:20

Singles Strategy and Tactics
Duration -

How to bet every type of opponent

How to beat pushers
• Accuracy and Consistency - First things first! If you can't maintain a solid rally from the baseline, then defensive players will eat you for lunch. Without the ability to exchange a steady rally ball back and forth you'll beat yourself in no time.
• Baseline Power - Once you can rally toe to toe with a good pusher offense is needed to put them out of their comfort zone. Otherwise, you're just hoping to beat them at their own game which is a recipe for disaster.
• Converting on Short Balls - If you're steady from the baseline and throw a pusher off balance with good power then a short ball are inevitable. STOP wasting those opportunities by dumping the ball into the net or spraying it wide and long.
• A Winning Strategy - Against some opponents you can play "hit and pray" tennis, hitting random shots and hoping they screw up first, but not against defensive players. They're too steady. You need a clear plan of attack to have any chance of winning consistently. Period.
• The Mindset for Success - Fact of the matter is most tennis players go into a match against defensive opponents with the exact opposite mindset that they should, which sets them up for failure right out of the gate, even if they have the right technical tools.
Missing any one or two of the above elements leaves you vulnerable and a smart opponent will quickly exploit your weaknesses.