Head Coach
Phone: (952) 913-2906
Assistant Coach
Phone: 218-929-1661
Girls' Captain
Boys' Captain
2024 Prior Lake / Farmington Alpine Ski Team
Results can be found in the e-mail communications or on this website.
Check out the calendar below for more information.
Below is the link to our updated race schedule with volunteer positions for each race. Please sign up early so we don't have to chase people down each week!
There is a PDF on the team Google drive which lists the gakekeeping duties. Let Coach Dave or Coach Anea if you have any hesitations about gatekeeping. (It's easy!)
Follow the link below to see all information on Google Docs
This link will take you to sign ups for: Race Volunteers - Sections Pot Luck - Roster - Gate Keeping Duties
Follow this link for Frequently Asked Questions.
Each athlete must register through the High School. There is a fee that needs to be paid to the school upon registering. Winter Sports registration will open soon for the 2023-24 season
Here's the link: REGISTRATION
Participants are required to purchase their own lift tickets and equipment.
Click on the Link below for a Gate Training Video.
PL/Farmington 2024 Sections Team